
Name: Big Nose

Series: Abstracted Dreamscape Cubism

Size: 36" x 48"

Materials: Oils, PLA

Date Completed: 07/31/2024

Doubt represents a complex and multifaceted emotion that
touches on uncertainty, hesitation, and introspection. It is often seen as a
moment of pause, a mental state where one questions their decisions, beliefs,
or perceptions. In "Doubtful Glance," doubt is depicted not just as a
fleeting feeling but as a profound and intricate experience.

In the context of this artwork, doubt can symbolize the
struggle between clarity and confusion, the tension between conviction and
uncertainty. The fragmented nature of the cubist style mirrors the disjointed
thoughts that accompany doubt. Each geometric shape and intersecting plane
reflects the various possibilities and outcomes that swirl in the mind of the
doubting individual.

 Doubt can also represent vulnerability and the human
condition's inherent complexity. It reveals a moment of authenticity, where
one's inner conflicts and insecurities are laid bare. This vulnerability can be
a source of strength, prompting deeper self-reflection and growth.

Through the lens of Cubism, doubt is not
depicted as a negative state but rather as a natural and essential part of the
human experience. It challenges the viewer to embrace ambiguity, to understand
that doubt can lead to greater insight and understanding. By capturing this emotion
in a fragmented, abstract form, the artwork underscores the idea that doubt is
multifaceted and can be seen from multiple perspectives, each offering its own